Establish areas of criteria and standards related to University academic matters and includes Policies applicable to students and faculty.
- AC 03 Academic Responsibilities and Professional Conduct (formerly 02-04-02)
- AC 04 FERPA: Access to and Release of Education Records (formerly 09-08-01)
- AC 05 Advanced Degrees (formerly 02-05-02)
- AC 07 Assessment of English Language Proficiency for Admission (formerly 09-02-01)
- AC 08 Benefits and Privileges of Retired Faculty (formerly 02-08-02)
- AC 09 Certification of English Language Fluency (formerly 02-02-16)
- AC 20 Effect of Separation on Eligibility for Faculty Scholarship (formerly 02-07-02)
- AC 21 Employee/Spouse/Dependent Scholarships for Faculty (formerly 02-07-01)
- AC 22 Faculty Grievances (formerly 02-03-01)
- AC 23 Faculty Grievances/Alternative Policy (formerly 02-03-01A)
- AC 24 Faculty Leave for Professional Enhancement (formerly 02-11-03)
- AC 25 Faculty Librarian Status (formerly 02-02-14)
- AC 26 Faculty Medical and Family Leave (formerly 02-11-01)
- AC 28 Faculty Reviews and Appeals (formerly 02-02-10)
- AC 30 Fees and Tuition (formerly 09-05-03)
- AC 31 Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (formerly 09-04-02)
- AC 39 Guidelines on Academic Integrity - Student and Faculty Obligations and Hearing (formerly 02-03-02)
- AC 40 Joint Appointments (formerly 02-02-11)
- AC 41 Length of Appointments (formerly 02-02-12)
- AC 43 Media Services - Center for Instructional Development and Distance Education (formerly 10-03-02)
- AC 48 Official Transcripts (formerly 09-04-08)
- AC 49 PA Residency Classification: Eligibility for Reduced Tuition (formerly 09-05-04)
- AC 50 Payroll Base Period and Overload Pay (formerly 02-06-02)
- AC 51 Preparation for Retirement (formerly 02-08-01)
- AC 52 Provost’s Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Programs (formerly 01-03-11)
- AC 53 Recruitment: Faculty Positions (formerly 02-02-15)
- AC 54 Registration and Add/Drop (formerly 09-04-10)
- AC 56 Registration Status (formerly 09-04-01)
- AC 57 Role of Faculty in School and Regional Campus Governance (formerly 02-04-01)
- AC 58 Sabbatical Leave (formerly 02-05-01)
- AC 62 Student Service Indicators (formerly 09-04-09)
- AC 64 Termination Due to Reorganization or Termination of Program (formerly 02-02-09)
- AC 67 Termination of Registration (formerly 09-05-08)
- AC 68 Third Term/Session Appointments: Salary Administration (formerly 02-06-03)
- AC 69 Tuition Exchange Scholarship Program (formerly 09-03-01)
- AC 70 University Council on Graduate Study (formerly 01-03-10)
- AC 73 Address Requirement