Charters for Policies Under Development

All Charters establishing an active process to develop a new or revise an existing University Policy are accessible below.

Cash Reports

Approved Charter Signed: 07/11/2019

Student Leave of Absence Policy

Approved Charter Signed 11/03/2019

Extracurricular Use of University Facilities

Approved Charter Signed 02/01/2020

Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities Policy

Approved Charter signed 02/06/2021

Non-Discrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action Policy

Approved Charter signed 2/26/2021

Education Benefits

Approved Charter signed 1/13/2022

University Travel, Business Entertainment, Honoraria, and Miscellaneous Reimbursable Expsenses

Approved Charter signed 7/13/2022

Human Data and Biological Samples Sharing

Approved Charter signed 10/12/2022.

Establishment of University Centers and Research Institutes

Approved Charter signed 5/15/2023.

Department Purchasing Authority

Approved Charter signed 7/14/2023.

Staff Recruitment

Approved Charter signed 7/14/2023


Approved Charter signed 10/16/2023

Research and Clinical Training with Human Cadaveric Material

Approved Charter signed 11/16/2023. 

Information Technology Security

Approved Charter signed 1/5/24.


Approved Charter signed 1/24/24

Identity Theft Prevention (Red Flags)

Approved Charter signed 3/27/24

Academic Visitor

Approved Charter signed 9/4/24.