University Policies by Category

The Policy Office has updated the categorization of University Policies in an effort to streamline their organization, use a more intuitive approach, and better reflect the administration and governance of the University.  The Policy Office has also updated the numbering system used for University Policies, moving away from an historical practice that is no longer relevant as the University no longer uses a physical, printed publication to communicate its Policies. University Policies are now organized by these new categories as described below, and each University Policy has a new identifier made up of the initials representing the new category and a unique number within that category (e.g, AO 01). While new Policies will only have this identifier, all Policies in existence prior to this change will continue to also have their previous identifiers noted (e.g., AO 01 formerly known as Policy 01-01-01). If you have any questions, please contact the Policy Office.

Academic Policies

Establish areas of criteria and standards related to University academic matters and includes Policies applicable to students and faculty.

Administration & Operations Policies

Establish authorities, responsibilities, and rules regarding the non-academic business affairs of the University including, but not limited to, Policies related to information technology, use of University facilities, and policy development.

Community Standards

Establish the standards of conduct applicable to University community members and visitors.

Employment Related Policies

Address employment matters from recruitment to departure.

Financial Policies

Establish fiscal-related authorities, objectives, and criteria for the University.

Research & Innovation Policies

Establish authorities, objectives, and rules of research-related activities at or with the University.