ER 14 Salary Increase (formerly 07-09-01)


This policy applies to contract salaries of all full-time faculty and part-time tenure-stream and tenured faculty, including faculty librarians, except for those in the School of Medicine, and to all regular full-time and part-time staff not covered by collective bargaining agreements. It does not include summer-term or overload payments paid to full-time faculty, or salaries of part-time non-tenure-stream faculty or part-time faculty librarians.


Category: Human Resources
Section: Salary Administration
Effective Date: September 16, 1994
Last Reviewed: April 18, 2023
Responsible Unit:
Responsible Executive: Senior Vice Chancellor for Business and Operations
Policy Contact:

Procedure(s) and Supporting Documents

Please refer to the policy and/or the policy contact for any accompanying procedures, supporting documents, and/or forms.